​Foster pride, accountability, and commitment in our people to optimize the value of our human resources and deliver the best customer service.

We are committed to developing and retaining a professional, well trained, multifaceted staff to deliver the best possible customer service. We encourage personal development, promote cross-functional training, acknowledge and reward the accomplishments and contributions of staff members, and provide training to enhance customer service.


To accomplish this goal, the MC employees:

  • Commit to each other and the MC management commits to the employees.
  • Commit to provide the best service and be advocates for our customers.
  • Commit to themselves.

These following activities will be pursued through both internal and external interactions and are intended to overlap and be the normal mode of interacting within the MC, with other WAPA offices, and with our customers.

Internal Activities

Internal activities are designed to promote and encourage the growth of pride, accountability, and commitment within each member of the MC. Therefore, the focus of these activities is to enhance the immediate cultural and business environment surrounding the MC staff.

Promoting a sense of community-a common culture within the MC- fosters pride, accountability, and commitment in our people. A MC philosophy or “MC way of conducting business and everyday interactions is consistently practiced. We embrace and abide by a set of courtesies which encourage honesty, promptness, and mutual respect.


The MC provides many types of training for its staff which enhance customer service relationships. Among the training and assistance offered to MC staff are WAPA-sponsored electrical and craft training courses; tuition assistance for job-related college, trade, or technical courses; nationally recognized professional, technical, and developmental courses; and mission-related workshops.

WAPA also provides on-the-job training, management development programs, career developmental details, and rotational assignments in different functional areas to enhance the knowledge and value of its employees. Particular emphasis will be placed on providing each staff member with specific and continuing customer service training to support the Customer Service Plan. The MC management and staff will meet regularly to discuss areas which may be improved and where staff knowledge and skills may be enhanced.

External Activities

External activities are designed to optimize the value of our human resources and deliver the best possible customer service. The following activities enhance the service provided to our customers.

Awareness of each customer’s circumstances and sensitivities is essential to providing service that best meets that customer’s needs. It is vital that frequent, regular open, and effective communications are held with our customers. It is also important that our customers are aware of all the benefits and services that we can provide them.

We will be proactive and anticipate customer needs. A “can do, will do, and do it right all the time” attitude will be the norm. This attitude will enhance the confidence and trust our customers place in us. Along with these attitudes, we encourage creative and innovative thinking to solve and address our customers’ concerns and requests.

Our customer relations will be further enhanced by regularly acknowledging and recognizing significant customer contributions.

Continuing Process

These strategies and commitments we have developed comprise a continuing process, essential to providing the best possible customer service. We will evaluate our progress toward achieving goals and compliance with our standards of conduct. Feedback from our customers is a useful and necessary tool to assess our progress toward meeting their needs and expectations. We will act upon our customers’ responses to promote successes and correct shortfalls.

We believe in the synergy available by tapping the creativity of our employees as well as our customers. We will encourage brainstorming, among other methods to develop innovative and creative ideas and use them wherever possible in our business interactions.

Last modified on September 20th, 2024